Thursday, September 20, 2007

Big Bugs

Ok, any of you that know me know that I hate bugs. I have tried not to make a big deal about it in front of the kids because I do not want them to grow up with the same fear. Hawaii has some big bugs. Big scary bugs. We have not had to many problems since we moved here 2 years ago but they have been doing some construction type work and cutting trees in our neighborhood this last week and we officially have a problem now! We have been going to bed and waking up in the morning to huge mouse size cockroaches and great big centipedes in various places around the house. Two mornings ago jeremy was in the Shower and Riley said there was a centipede on the ceiling in front of our bedroom door. He jumped out and in a towel was able to get it and take it outside and dispose of it (still in the bath towel) Then Lorenzo walked out of the other bathroom and said"Dad, I thought you said you found a centipede? It's a cockroach!" There was a great big cockroach on the bathroom wall. There was also one in Liam's toy farm, Lorenzo's play clothes, my dresser, Jeremy's suitcase, one crawled out of the bathroom sink last night and again another centipede downstairs this morning. And this is just the last 2 days. I feel like I am in a horror movie! They can't spray until October 2 so I am off to home depot this morning to see what I can find to get rid of them!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

I guess it happens to everyone?

Well, I had quite a scare yesterday. I was up at one of the community centers registering the boys for a couple of classes yesterday and we lost liam!! There were a ton of people there not only for the registration but for soccer too (I think there were about 6 different games going on) The park is huge and as i was waiting in line the boys were off to the side playing on the playground. When it was my turn to go in I told Riley to watch liam for 2 min. while I turned in their papers. Riley is usually pretty responsible but I guess he got distracted. in the min and a half that I was inside Riley and Lorenzo came walking in asking if I had seen Liam. I just dropped everything, left the stroller there blocking everyone and ran out to look for him. I did not have to look far because when I got a few feet outside a nice lady was holding his hand as he was walking and shouting Ma Ma Ma. He saw me and just gave me a big smile and said MA!!! He was not fazed by it in the least. I was scared out of my mind on the other hand. I know it could not have been more then 30 second from the time I knew he was missing to the time we found him but I had all sorts of things running through me head. I kept thinking just call the police there is no way you are going to find him with all these people, and at the same time was just praying asking the Lord to help me find him. Someone has been watching over us.

I thought I was doing pretty well while Jeremy has been gone. (He has been in Malaysia the last 2 weeks) but I guess not. I have never had to worry about the kids wandering off. Riley and lorenzo were both quite clingy and were always attached to me. Liam however is from a different mold. I am just glad he is ok!